Single-Source Solutions You Can Count On

It is our responsibility to ensure that the product ideas of our customers are brought to fruition reliably and profitably. Our engineering experts assist you every step of the way – from the conception stage to the delivery of comprehensive product solutions.

We strive to form lasting, cooperative relationships with our business partners.
We rely on the continuous development of our first-rate know-how and the commitment of our highly qualified employees to generate measurable performance gains for our customers. We direct all our efforts towards providing optimum support to our customers in the realization of their individual needs.

  • We strive to make our customers happy through our actions and the quality of our products and services..
  • We are open and honest with each other, our customers, and business partners.
  • We offer our employees secure and attractive employment. All employees bring their own individual skills and personalities to the company: this is the foundation of our company's success.
  • At männer, we take our responsibility towards the younger generation seriously.
    We promote the training and continuing education of young people, who we see as integral to the future of our company.
  • We work to enhance our technological edge through continuous expansion of our development resources.
  • Our suppliers are our partners with whom we strive to form lasting and mutually beneficial business relationships.
  • We act in an environmentally conscious way in all of our business activities.

The history of the company's success is, above all, a history of the people who work at männer.

We offer our employees secure and attractive employment. All employees bring their own individual skills and personalities to the company. That is the foundation of our company's success. At männer, we promote our employees' growth and actively address our social responsibility.

By ensuring the personal and professional development of our employees, we are laying the foundations for the future success of our company. That is why it is important to us to give especially young people access to the best possible training and education.

We are environmentally conscious in every aspect of our business and demonstrate respect for our environment both in our daily actions and strategic decisions.

An example of our environmental policy is Plant III, which began operation in 2007. The 7,600 sqm production facility in Bahlingen, Germany, was specially designed to maximize energy-saving and energy-efficient utilization of the plant.

With a module area of approx. 2,500 sqm, the photovoltaic system generates around 285,000 kw/h of electricity per year. That is equivalent to the power consumption of roughly 350 people. Geothermal heat obtained from the ground water is used for heating and cooling the entire building and all machines. Other fuels are no longer needed, thereby cutting 165 tons of carbon dioxide emissions a year.

At männer, safeguarding quality throughout all levels of production is our primary objective.

Potential sources of error are identified, analyzed, and eliminated at the earliest possible stage. State-of-the-art measuring equipment and methods ensure exceptional production quality.

This approach and our extensive know-how guarantee the proven quality of männer products.

männer is certified to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 50001:2011